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CoolSculpting Costs Beverly Hills

Tag Archives: medical spa beverly hills

CoolSculpting -Beverly Hills, West Hollywood & Los Angeles

Motykie Medical Spa is a premier facility for a number of outstanding, secure, and state of the art non-surgical procedures for cosmetic enhancement. The medspa operates under the leadership and guidance of an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Gary Motykie. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles and nearby areas who are keen to look for non-invasive and minimally invasive aesthetic solutions may visit Motykie Medical Spa for advanced treatments.

freeze-the-fat coolsculpting fat removal beverly hills

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure for fat reduction without plastic surgery. The procedure involves a revolutionary fat freezing technique that disintegrates unwanted fat cells in a targeted manner to enhance the body contour and provide a more attractive and well-shape appearance. Motykie medspa is fully equipped to provide this innovative and proven treatment to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.

Cost Comparison with Surgery

Some patients wish to avoid plastic surgery procedures for fat reduction such as tummy tuck and liposuction, not just for the typical risks that are associated with a surgery, but also because of the cost aspects. Elective surgeries performed for cosmetic reasons are usually not covered under insurance health plans. Therefore, some patients are reluctant to choose these surgeries because they can cost a significant sum of money. However, such patients have a much more affordable, non-surgical alternative in the form of CoolSculpting to reduce unwanted fats and achieve the desired body contour.
CoolSculpting can be performed at a recognized medical spa, which avoids the costs of an accredited surgical facility. The procedure does not involve general anesthesia, which means the costs of the anesthesia team also get avoided. While a surgery includes the fee of the plastic surgeon as a significant cost component, a CoolSculpting procedure can be performed by an experienced CoolSculpting provider, who may not necessarily be a plastic surgeon. That makes the treatment more affordable.
A fat reduction cosmetic surgery procedure will also typically entail costs of medical tests, prescription drugs to manage pain and reduce the risk of infection, post-op garments, and post-op visits to the surgeon for review. All these costs largely get avoided with CoolSculpting. Motykie MedSpa is a state of the art facility for CoolSculpting for patients located in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas.

Factors Affecting the Cost

The cost of CoolSculpting procedure may vary from one facility to another depending on a few factors. A key factor is the location of the medical spa where the procedure is performed. The cost of living may vary between different states, and the cost of all services, including aesthetic procedures may be influenced by the average cost of living in a particular area.
A state of the art medspa facility fitted with the latest equipment and technologies, having the back-up of an experienced support staff, and providing high quality services and comforts may cost a little more compared to an average facility providing the CoolSculpting treatment. Patients should consider all aspects while making a cost comparison between two or more different facilities for this procedure.

Average Cost of CoolSculpting

The cost of CoolSculpting will vary from one patient to another even at the same practice. The procedure is highly individualized according to the unique needs and aesthetic goals of a patient. The specific areas of treatment, the number of treatments needed, and the ultimate goals of the patient will go into determining the overall cost of the procedure for a particular patient.

Insurance and Financing

CoolSculpting is an elective procedure for cosmetic enhancement. Therefore, most insurance health plans will not provide coverage for this treatment. Patients should discuss their treatment plan and the estimated number of treatments they may need to fulfill their aesthetic goals. The total cost can be estimated accordingly, and the medical spa operator can help the patient prepare a correct cost estimate.
Patients may seek financing options through professional medical care financing firms. In some cases, the medspa may provide guidance and support with regard to getting the procedure financed in affordable installments. The payment to the medical spa is usually required to be paid in full in advance before the treatment. The patient should discuss the cost and payment aspects frankly at the time of the initial consultation.
To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:

The Marie Show featured a talk on this subject by Dr. Gary Motykie, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills, California!

Genetic composition of each human being is unique, which also influences their skin type. However, the current condition of the skin is primarily determined by how an individual takes care of the body and skin. Skin cleansing is very important, and should be performed on a daily basis. Cleansing helps skin to exfoliate, which improves cell turnover, opens skin pores and allows for greater absorption of skin care ingredients.
Skin can exfoliate with gentle physical massage and it also occurs naturally when enzymes eat away the dead skin cells from the epidermis. Skin care products can sometimes prove to be very expensive, costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars. However, if a person is well informed about the right ingredients, he or she can attain the same results at a much lesser cost.

Important Contents in Anti-aging Products

Many skin care products contain DMAE because of its well-known effectiveness in reducing the signs of aging. DMAE provides protection against skin cell damage that may occur due to direct sun exposure or pollution. This ingredient also stimulates collagen and appears to firm skin on contract. One of the products containing DMAE is The Best of Perricone, which is available at a market price of $95.
Hyaluronic Acid
This is a natural substance found in human body that stimulates collagen and maintains skin elasticity and shape. It is also an important antioxidant and moisturizer. FDA approved dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm are based on hyaluronic acid. It is also a part of several anti-wrinkle creams. Products containing hyaluronic acid include Peter Thomas Roth Viz-1000, which is available at $65, and Fresh Rose Hyrdrating Gel Cream, which is available at $42.
Argireline works on the same principle as Botox, though it cannot provide such strong results as Botox. Unlike Botox, this ingredient is applied as a skin cream on the wrinkled areas. Argireline works by way of inhibiting neurotransmitters, which causes the shriveled facial muscles to relax, leading to reduction of wrinkles and fine lines. Products such as First Aid Beauty (FAB) Dual Repair Face Cream, priced at $44, and First Aid Beauty Dual Repair Eye Cream, priced at $40, contain Argireline.
The growth of proteins such as collagen and elastin in the body is promoted by Matrixyl. These proteins help keep the skin healthy and youthful looking. Once the depletion of collagen and elastin takes place in the body, wrinkles and sagging skin begin to occur. Products such as Boscia Bright White Mask, available at a price of $38, and Hourglass Fluid Makeup, available at a price of $60, are based on Matrixyl.
Tried and True Retinols
Skin care products containing this ingredient include Kate Somerville Hydrating Face Serum, Philosophy “Help Me,” Dr. Brandt R3P Cream and Laura Mercier Repair Eye Serum.
Facial Rejuvenation with Stem Cells
Hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers can help stimulate skin collagen to restore its shape and reduce wrinkles. However, these fillers can do very little to enhance the skin tone and texture. A non-surgical stemcell facelift is an effective approach that provides a combined impact by restoring shape and elasticity of the skin as well as improving the tone and texture of the skin at the same time. Unlike most procedures, this technique actually promotes renewed tissue growth as well.
The procedure involves drawing a small volume of blood from the patient’s body. The doctor isolates platelets by spinning this blood in a centrifugal device. Once the platelets are activated, they release growth factors that have the potential to heal damaged skin. These growth factors are injected into the affected areas of the face, which activates the multi potent stem cells to grow new tissue. The patient achieves a renewed, younger looking skin. The effects with a stemcell facelift may last for nine months to two years in most cases.
To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:

Board Certified Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Gary Motykie, spoke on this subject on the Marie Show!

Botox is probably the most popular anti-aging treatment in the world at present. Almost everyone is aware about the “instant” benefits of Botox to make facial lines and wrinkles disappear. However, Botox has much more to offer than just cosmetic benefits. In fact, it was originally used only for medical purposes and only later its cosmetic benefits were discovered.

An Overview of Botox

Botulinum toxin, the chemical that makes Botox, was discovered more than a century ago. It took nearly thirty years of scientific testing to evaluate the medical benefits of Botox for human beings. In 1980, the treatment was first injected to treat the problem of ‘crossed eyes’ and uncontrolled blinking. During the trials, doctors noticed that Botox treatment produced a cosmetic benefit of reduction of wrinkles and lines around the eyes. The treatment received approval from FDA in 2002. At present, Botox is used in over 4.7 million cosmetic procedures every year.
Botox works on the principle of blocking neuromuscular communication, which allows an overactive muscle to relax temporarily. It is important to understand that the chemical used in Botox is one of the most powerful and lethal substances. Extremely diluted forms of the chemical are used in Botox injections. The treatment must be taken from an experienced Botox professional or cosmetic surgeon for a safe and effective outcome.

Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Serious conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) involve muscular dysfunction. Muscle function can become disrupted in two ways. They can either lose their activity and become paralyzed, or they can become overactive and develop cramping or spasticity.
In case of MS, there is a communication breakdown between the muscles and nerves. This effect is known as spasticity. Muscles want to cramp all the time due to the disruption of communication with the nervous system. Botox can address this condition when the medication is injected directly into the problematic muscles.

Treatment of Bladder Control Issues

The urinary bladder is basically one large muscle that works quite like a water balloon, and holds urine until we are ready to go to the restroom. The bladder is able to hold urine for a fair amount of time and releases it when required due to a communication process between the brain and the bladder.
If the bladder muscles become spastic, urine leakage can occur without the patient’s own control. Oral medications to treat this condition can have potential side effects, while surgical treatments are complex and not perfect. Botox can be a simpler and effective solution to calm down the overactive bladder. One in six adults suffers from some kind of bladder over-activity, and Botox provides a safe solution with minimal side effects.

Other Botox Treatments

Botox is also approved for treatment of various other medical conditions such as excessive sweating, jaw pain and chronic migraines. Botox injections can be administered within a few minutes, and the effects can last for about four to six months. A typical Botox treatment would cost around $200-250 for each treatment area. Safety, effectiveness and minimal side effects make Botox a treatment of choice for thousands of patients.
To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:


Auxilium Treats First Patient in Study of New Injectable Cellulite Rx

Beverly Hills Med Spa | Los Angeles Medical Cellulite Dr Gary MotykieThe first patient in a study of collagenase clostridium histolyticum (or “CCH”) for the treatment of edematous fibrosclerotic panniculopathy (“EFP”) or cellulite has begun and early results are expected in early 2015, reports Auxilium Pharmaceuticals Inc.
While many energy-based therapies, creams, and potions promise to get rid of cellulite, there is little evidence that any of them work long-term.  CCH is intended to target and lyse collagen tethers with the goal of releasing the skin dimpling and potentially resulting in smoothing of the skin. CCH is currently approved in the United States under the trade name XIAFLEX® for the treatment of other connective tissue disorders.
The study is expected to enroll approximately 144 women between the ages of 18 and 45 in the United States. To qualify for the study, participants must have EFP in the back of the thighs and/or buttocks for at least 12 months prior to a screening visit. Each subject may receive up to three treatment sessions of the study drug.
Following screening and determination of eligibility, study participants will be assigned to one of four groups that vary in treatment dose (low, medium, high, and placebo). This study will be conducted in two stages. If the safety and local tolerability profile from the first stage has been found to be acceptable, subjects will be enrolled in stage 2. Previously, a study demonstrated that CCH provided potential improvement in cellulite dimpling following a single injection!
To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:

VI Peel – Beverly Hills | Los Angeles
The VI Peel will improve the tone, texture and clarity of the skin; reduce or eliminate age spots, freckles, and hyper-pigmentation, including melasma; soften lines and wrinkles; clear acne skin conditions; reduce or eliminate acne scars; and stimulate the production of collagen, for firmer, more youthful skin. Vi Peel also works well in conjunction with lasers, injectables and post procedure.
At my last visit to Motykie Med Spa, I experienced the Hydrafacial which deep cleaned my skin in preparation for the results driven effects of the Vi Peel. I left the spa that afternoon counting the days until my next appointment and highly anticipating all of the amazing benefits my skin was in store for as discussed with my aesthetician Sacha.
Before the treatment began, Sacha went into detail about the results I would see and other expectations from the Vi Peel based on my skin analysis. Based on her assessment, she explained that the treatment would be most effective in a series of three. The first treatment would get me closer than I’ve ever been to the flawless skin I desire by significantly reducing the appearance of acne scarring, hyperpigmentation and fine lines, while revving up my skin’s cell turnover rate and collagen production. Application time to my face and decollate would be a mere thirty minutes of layering a strong, serum-like combination of TCA (A peeling agent), Tretinoic Acid (A powerful compound to prevent collagen loss and boost cell turn over), Salicylic Acid (Fighting breakouts and promoting clarity of the skin), Vitamin C (A natural brightener and exfoliator) and a Mineral Blend. It was additionally exciting to learn that Vi Peel is proudly, the only peel safe enough to be applied on the delicate eyelids and under eye areas further contributing to a complete look of flawless skin. Depending on the skin’s sensitivity, during the first minutes of application, a sensation ranging from stinging to burning may cause temporary discomfort. The downtime after the peel would be 5-7 days, when heavy peeling of the top layers of the skin is experienced. I could also expect itchiness, dryness and sensitivity to the sun on the affected areas during the peeling process.
The application process of the Vi Peel went smoothly and quickly. My skin looked instantly radiant and glowing because of the surface exfoliation experienced from the absorption of the treatment. My post peel care package included three Vi Peel Post Peel Towelettes, Vi Derm Post Peel Protectant and SPF 50+ Sun Protection.
After following all of the post treatment instructions, the skin on my face and decollate began peeling like clockwork the morning of day 3 and continued peeling for 6 more days. My skin was itchy and dry during most of the process, but the Vi Derm Post Peel Protectant did wonders to minimize my discomfort. I’m a purist and so, even though you are allowed to wear makeup the days before peeling begins, I skipped it all together. I had to work half the time I was peeling (I recommend taking some vacation time if at all possible to peel in private), which was alarming for my coworkers but the compliments I received afterwards on my radiant, smooth skin made it all completely worth it.
I looked like a shedding snake for a week but had skin like a newborn when all was said and done. My skin has NEVER looked and felt better. This is by far the best and most effective treatment I’ve received at Motykie Med Spa or any spa as a matter of fact. I highly recommend the VI Peel to anyone who is seeking a painless, result oriented treatment with minimal downtime. If you are still on the fence just take a look at my before and after pictures and let the results speak for themselves!
To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:

Please Join Us for Our Patient Appreciation Holiday Event!

Thursday December 19, 2013

from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM PST


We have had such a blessed and wonderful year at Motykie MD & Med Spa,
that we want to pay it forward and give thanks to those that made it possible… OUR FABULOUS CLIENTS!

$75 Treatment Specials: 10am-5pm
Fire & Ice Facial (reg. $150)
Teeth Whitening (reg. $199)
Venus Freeze Treatment (1/2 hour face or neck treatment, reg. $300)
*Limited supply, 2 per person, cannot be combined with other
specials or discounts, can pre-purchase and use at a later date

Holiday Cocktail Party: 6-8pm
Healthy cocktails and appetizers
Gift Bags: Product Samples, Gift Cards & a Few Surprises!
Raffle: Latisse, Fire & Ice Facials, Cool-Sculpting Treatments
Meet & Greet with Dr. Motykie & Staff
Live Treatment and Product Demos



Motykie MD & Med Spa
9201 West Sunset Blvd. GF-1
West Hollywood, CA 90069

medspa eventFor more information contact:

Motykie MD & Med Spa

Driving Directions

Motykie Medical Spa, a state of the art facility for innovative cosmetic enhancement procedures, has launched a new website MotykieMedSpa.com. Dr. Gary Motykie, a board certified plastic surgeon, who heads the medspa, has launched this comprehensive website to provide relevant and useful information about various non-invasive and minimally invasive aesthetic treatments.
motykie med spa 2013
Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles and surrounding communities can visit the website to learn about the latest and advanced treatment options available to them in skin care, anti-aging, fat reduction, and other cosmetic improvement services. MotykieMedSpa.com has been designed and developed by Creative Take Medical, an experienced Internet Marketing and SEO firm providing services exclusively to plastic surgeons and medical spa professionals.

Information about Dr. Gary Motykie

Dr. Motykie is the medical director of the medspa, and the website provides detailed information on his background, qualifications, experience and accomplishments as a plastic surgeon. Since Motykie Medical Spa is run directly under the supervision of a board certified and experienced plastic surgeon, the patients in and around Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles have an added advantage.
Dr. Motykie runs the facility applying the same standards and practices that he would apply at his plastic surgery practice. This is a distinguishing feature of the med spa, and patients have an assurance to receive top professional care and attention in a safe and friendly environment. MotykieMedSpa.com provides detailed information on Dr. Motykie so that new patients can feel assured and gain some familiarity with him even before they make their first visit to the medical spa.

Information on Medical Staff

Apart from detailed information about Dr. Motykie, the website also includes information on other key members of the Motykie medspa. These include the following position holders:

  • Spa Director
  • Spa Manager
  • Spa RN’s
  • Esthetician

The staff at the facility is fully trained to provide patients with a detailed review on various treatment options suited according to their condition, health status, and aesthetic goals. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles who are looking for skin rejuvenation and anti-aging solutions can receive detailed advice on the skin care regimen designed to suit their skin type and skin condition. The facility is fully equipped to provide effective treatments for acne, skin discoloration, dehydrated skin as well as normal or healthy skin.

Services Provided

MotykieMedSpa.com provides in-depth information on various treatments and therapies available at the facility. Safe, proven and effective non-surgical treatments are provided by Dr. Motykie and his team. Detail of each of the following treatment options is available at the website:
Spa Therapy

  • Lash & Brow Tinting
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Spray Tanning
  • Waxing

Skin Rehab

  • Facial Intervention
  • Hydra-Facial
  • Topical Infusions
  • Microneedling
  • Chemical Peel Therapy
  • Light Peel
  • Medium Vi-Peel
  • Cosmelan Depigmentation Peel

Body Transformation

  • Skin Tightening & Cellulite Reduction
  • Venus Freeze
  • Fat Reduction & Contouring
  • CoolSculpting

Laser Refinement

  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
  • Pixel Skin Resurfacing

Injectable Rejuvenation

  • Botox Cosmetic
  • Facial Filler
    • Perlane
    • Radiesse
    • Juvederm
    • Restylane

Vein Eliminating Therapy

  • Asclera Injections

The range of non-surgical treatments for anti-aging, skin rejuvenation, body contouring and vein therapy available at the Motykie Medical Spa is among the most comprehensive set of treatment options provided at any advanced medspa facility.
MotykieMedSpa.com also includes separate sections for Monthly Specials, Appointments, Blog, Reviews, Contact and Directions. The blog provides regularly updated news and articles on the latest development and innovations in the area of non-surgical cosmetic enhancement. Appointments can be booked online through the Appointments section on the website.
New website design by http://creativetakemedical.com/
To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:

botox before and after photoGary Motykie, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a board certified plastic surgeon providing a range of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Apart from his plastic surgery practice, Dr. Motykie also oversees his state of the art medical spa facility. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive innovative non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments at the medspa.
Some patients may be keen to improve their appearance, but unwilling or unable to undergo a surgical procedure. In all such cases, Dr. Motykie is able to address the needs of the patient through his medical spa facility. Technological advancements in non-invasive cosmetic treatments have made them more popular today than ever before.
Botox for Crow’s Feet
Botox has been in use for more than a decade for the cosmetic treatment of frown lines between the eyebrows. It was approved by the FDA for this purpose in 2002. Botox has also been used for many years with FDA approval to treat several medical conditions such as excessive sweating under the arms, chronic headaches and migraine, and eyelid spasms. In 2013, the FDA has given its approval to Botox for the cosmetic reduction of crow’s feet around the eyes.
Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles and surrounding communities, who may like to reduce their facial signs of aging in a non-surgical manner, may consider Botox at Dr. Motykie’s medspa facility. While facelift plastic surgery has several advantages over Botox, but patients who are looking for only minor enhancements and a simple, non-surgical procedure, may be ideal candidates to receive Botox treatment. It can reduce the appearance of frown lines and crow’s feet from the face very effectively.

Benefits of Botox

Botox is produced from the botulinum neurotoxin, which is considered one of the most potent and lethal biological agents in the world. It was discovered more than a century ago, and scientists spent several decades to determine its potential medical and cosmetic benefits. Botox uses the toxin in highly diluted quantities to achieve the desired outcomes. Ever since Botox was approved as a cosmetic treatment by the FDA, it has emerged as one of the most popular non-surgical treatments around the world. Some of its key advantages are as follows:

  • Botox is FDA approved and completely safe when applied in recommended doses by a qualified Botox provider.
  • The entire treatment can be completed in less than an hour. In some cases, the treatment process may last as little as 15 minutes.
  • The procedure does not involve anesthesia.
  • Most patients experience very minor pain or discomfort during the procedure.
  • The procedure does not involve any downtime, and patients can resume their regular activities or go back to work immediately.
  • The treatment avoids all the risks and potential complications that are usually associated with a surgery.

FDA Approval for Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet, or lateral canthal lines, as they are called clinically, refer to the fine lines radiating from the far outer corner of the eye. These lines are usually caused due to facial expressions or repetitive actions such as smiling, squinting or frowning. These actions cause the underlying muscles to contract, and the outer skin gets folded. Over a period of time, these repetitive actions can cause permanent lines and wrinkles.
To reduce these wrinkles, Botox is injected directly into the muscle that is causing the wrinkle. Botox cuts off the communication between the muscle and the nervous system, causing it to relax. This prevents the formation of muscle even when the person smiles. With the FDA approval of Botox for reduction of crow’s feet, it is now possible to enhance facial appearance further without the need for surgery.
Dr. Motykie provides this treatment at his medspa for patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas. FDA has clearly stated that Botox is an effective temporary treatment to reduce wrinkles forming near the eyes, which are commonly known as crow’s feet. Results with Botox may last for anywhere between three and six months, after which the treatment can be repeated for prolonged benefits.

Botox Study

Botox is manufactured by an Irvine, California based company called Allergan, Inc. Allergan conducted an extensive study involving two large groups of adult participants. One of the groups, comprising 833 adults, was randomly assigned to receive a Botox placebo injection. Following the treatment, this group revealed a significant reduction in the appearance of crow’s feet in comparison to the other group that was left untreated. The successful results of this study contributed to the evidence reviewed by the FDA before deciding on the approval of Botox for crow’s feet.
To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:


Dr. Gary Motykie Patient Reviews:

Nothing but positive things to say…

This doctor really knows his job and what he is talking about.you can feel how serious and how much pride he takes in his work!!!!He took away any concerns i had when i met him and talked to him.Always positive in a good mood and caring.Also the Office Staff is super-professional and so nice and caring that you just dont want to leave;).I can only rate my overall experience with “EXCELLENT” and am more than happy with the results.i have shown pictures of what i wish the endresult to be and thats exactly what came out!Thumbs up for Dr.Motykie and his Staff!!!!!
See this full review of Dr. Gary Motykie at: https://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_Gary_Motykie/reviews

There is no better plastic surgeon!

I just want to comment that my experience with Dr. Motykie was all that I expected it to be and more. He came to me high referred from many excited and more than pleased patients of his. Dr. Motykie does have a large celebrity and non-celebrity patient list that I only know of because they are some of my closest friends that have gone to Dr. Motykie for his discrete services. Most of us want our proceedures keep secret from the public and world and Dr. Motykie besides being a world class surgeon has never talked about our surgeries because of our requests. I know I will continue to go to Dr. Motykie as well as my circle of friends because there is no BETTER PLASTIC SURGEON out there. Between my friends we have meet literally every surgeon in LA/Beverly Hills and Dr. Motykie is the best.
See this full review of Dr. Gary Motykie at: http://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_Gary_Motykie/reviews#ixzz2hHXDeXB8

Dr. Gary Motykie is an amazing surgeon!

I came to Dr Motykie to fix my nose after I had two prior rhinoplasties that left me with a crooked nose that I couldn’t breath out of after the first surgery. I went on five other consultations before choosing Dr Motykie. Dr Motykie was the only surgeon that seemed confident and experienced enough to give me the nose I had been hoping for since my first surgery. I was scared to undergo surgery again but he assured me he could fix my nose and my breathing. He showed me imaging of my nose that blew me away! I was still worried I wouldn’t get the nose I wanted or even a nose that was at least straight. I went through with the surgery and I must say that I am happy for the first time in my life! He surpassed every expectation I had and my nose is better than I could have ever dreamed of. I went out on a date for the first time in five years and felt truly beautiful. Dr Motykie is a true artist and a kind caring doctor. Anyone would be blessed to have surgery with this amazing surgeon.
See this full review of Dr. Gary Motykie at: http://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_Gary_Motykie/reviews#ixzz2hHY8BHHC
To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:


Dr. Gary Motykie, a board certified Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills, California, addressed this topic on the Marie Show!

Looking young and attractive is an innate desire of every human being. Some of the latest cosmetic treatments are helping people achieve their aesthetic goals without the need for surgery. Some people are keen to following a diet that can support their anti-aging efforts naturally. There may be no problem is following such diets for general well-being and anti-aging benefits as long as it is done in consultation with a healthcare professional. Such a natural approach can be pursued along with non-invasive cosmetic treatments for satisfactory results.

Diet Containing Antioxidants

Advocates of natural remedies believe that a diet enriched with antioxidants can provide safe and effective results for a person’s general health and appearance. Natural foods that are high in antioxidant content may be taken regularly to receive maximum benefit. Some of the popular foods that contain antioxidants include raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. In beans, kidney beans, white beans and garbanzo beans are rich in antioxidants. Artichokes and prunes are also rich sources of antioxidants.
Antioxidant supplements that can be used to reinforce the diet include milk thistle extract, which has been recommended by naturopaths for several hundred years as an effective health supplement. Bacopa extract is an important free radical scavenger. The famous Indian herb called “ashwagandha” can help boost the immune system. Green tea and turmeric extracts are also rich in antioxidant content.

Protandim with Nrf2

Protandim with Nrf2 is a key anti-oxidant compound. It combats oxidative stress and helps in regulation of the body organs. Nrf2 is essentially a protein messenger that binds with DNA. It is believed to a master regulator of the aging process followed by the body, and supports the fight against oxidative stress. Nrf2 tells the cells to perform their designated functions.
When it is activated, the Nrf2 compound enters the nucleus of the cells and induces up-regulation of the ‘survival genes.’ This gene helps cells survive against the free radical stress. Nrf2 also down-regulates the specific genes that may promote fibrosis and inflammation to enable the body organs to perform at optimal levels.

Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat.

It’s called stubborn fat for a reason: no matter how much you eat healthy and exercise, it’s virtually impossible to lose those annoying muffin tops, love handles, and belly pooch. You’re left with two options: live with them or think surgery. Neither is cool by us. That’s exactly why we developed CoolSculpting. Only CoolSculpting targets fat cells alone, eliminating them in an easy, non-intrusive fashion that exercise and diet can’t achieve as quickly or as effectively.

The Cool Solution is the More Natural Solution.

Procedures that use laser, sonic waves and even surgery to remove fat can actually destroy other tissue in the process by burning, shattering or extracting non-fat cells. This requires downtime for your body to heal. Totally uncool. Fortunately, CoolSculpting doesn’t burn, shatter or extract any cells. Developed by Harvard scientists, our unique, FDA-cleared, patented procedure uses a targeted cooling process that kills the fat cells underneath the skin, literally freezing them to the point of elimination. Only fat cells are frozen. Your healthy skin cells remain, well, healthy. No knives. No suction hoses. No needles. No scars. Once crystallized, the fat cells die and are naturally eliminated from your body. In a few months, boom: say hello to a new you.
To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:


Motykie Med Spa Motykie Med Spa

Los Angeles


Beverly Hills
9201 W. Sunset Ground Floor
West Hollywood, CA 90069
320 E. Main Street
Barrington, IL 60010
Motykie Med Spa Motykie Med Spa
Motykie Med Spa