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Localized Fat Reduction with Kybella

Localized Fat Reduction with KybellaHarness the Power of Kybella® to Smooth Away Unwanted Lumps!

You’ve probably heard about the amazing injectable designed to minimize excess fat causing the appearance of a double chin. But wait, why can’t this same treatment be used to target fat elsewhere? In fact, it can! That’s right: Kybella®’s amazing fat-targeting abilities aren’t just limited to submental fat. This state-of-the-art injectable can work anywhere you have small, localized pockets of soft, fatty tissue. Yes, anywhere!

In addition to minimizing the appearance of submental fat under the chin (or the so-called “double chin”), Kybella® is an easy injectable treatment that can actually reduce the appearance of small, soft pockets of excess fat just about anywhere*, especially:

  • Jowels
  • Bra fat / upper back rolls
  • Armpits / upper arms above the breat
  • Knees

Kybella® injections can also be a highly effective follow-up treatment to traditional liposuction, minimizing any remaining lumps of fatty tissue and smoothing and enhancing your liposuction results.

At Motykie Med Spa, with offices in both Beverly Hills, California and Barrington, Illinois, our goal is to utilize today’s cutting-edge cosmetic techniques to enhance your health, your appearance, and your well-being. Working closely with Dr. Gary Motykie, Board certified plastic surgeon, we only offer treatments and procedures that we feel certain will work, and will work safely. Although Kybella® is only FDA-approved for use under the chin, it is both safe and legal to use Kybella® “off-label” to target fatty tissue in other areas of the body. Our highly skilled and experienced staff will work closely with you to ensure that you understand the benefits and risks of this powerful injectable treatment.

Quick Facts about Kybella®

  • Minimizes lumps due to small pockets of excess fatty tissue
  • Can be used almost anywhere but is especially effective for bra fat, jowels, and knees
  • Most treatments can be completed in about 15 minutes per treatment area
  • Does not require anesthesia (although some patients may prefer use of a topical anesthesia)
  • No downtime
  • Optimal results may require a series of 2-4 treatments spaced about 6 weeks apart
  • Kybella® is not appropriate for use on large target areas like the abdomen or flanks, but can be used to optimize the results of other body contouring procedures such as liposuction

How Kybella® Works

Kybella® is an advanced injectable involving a precise formulation of prescription-strength deoxycholic acid. The body naturally produces deoxycholic acid in order to remove dietary fat. However, when this powerful substance is injected directly into unwanted fat cells in the skin, it destroys the cell membranes, allowing the body to painlessly and comfortably reabsorbed the burst cells. And once a fat cell is eliminated, it cannot grow back, leaving you with a smooth, shapely physique!*

*Individual results may vary. Fat reduction is never permanent. Kybella® can destroy fat cells, but remaining fat cells can continue to grow and expand.

Contact Us

At Motykie Med Spa, our highly trained staff is ready to assist you with the most advanced techniques in Skin Care, Body Contouring, Injectables, and Laser Treatments. Dr. Gary Motykie is one of the only Board Certified Plastic Surgeons in the world to pioneer the combination of currently available cosmetic treatments with health and wellness services to promote the best aesthetic results possible. The goal at Motykie Med Spa is to give you flawless, healthy, younger-looking skin while simultaneously creating a long-term, custom treatment plan that will slow the aging process and help to create the best and most beautiful you!

If you would like to like to learn more about the many different ways Kybella® can help you look your very best, we hope you will request an appointment online or call us at 310-276-6772 to schedule your visit to our leading med spa catering to West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and all of Los Angeles.

Motykie Med Spa Motykie Med Spa

Los Angeles


Beverly Hills
9201 W. Sunset Ground Floor
West Hollywood, CA 90069
320 E. Main Street
Barrington, IL 60010
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Motykie Med Spa